Exhibitor Registration
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March 3 - 4, 2023
Grand Traverse Resort & Spa
100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd
Acme, MI 49610-0404
Display Table Fee
FREE Current Corporate Membership Holders
$250 Non Members
$75 Per Person for All Meals
Electricity and Extra Tables Available for A Fee
Become a Corporate Member and Save $100
When You Display at our Two Conferences!
Become A Corporate Member Here
We invite organizations to exhibit at the Society of Michigan EMS Instructor Coordinators' 86 Professional Development Conference.
We have been in constant contact with the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa to make sure that they have policies and procedures in place that will allow them to provide you a safe environment. To this end, we are going to require everyone, while they are in a conference session or in the immediate vestibule outside of the conference areas, to wear your masks regardless of vaccination status.
View Our Event Agenda
A large exhibitor area is located near the main conference room and conference attendees will be taking their breaks in or near the exhibitor area. You will have an opportunity to meet with EMS Instructors from Michigan who are the leaders in EMS organizations and communities throughout the State.
Exhibitors may choose to sponsor a break, keynote speaker or donate a door prize. Each level of sponsorship offers the opportunity to promote your company to the EMS leaders attending the conference.
Shipping and Receiving Instructions
We are once again in beautiful Northern Michigan at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa. There is a limited block of rooms being held for our conference. Click the hotel logo below, select attendee as your guest type or call the hotel directly to reserve your room!
Mention EMS2023 for a discounted rate!

Grand Traverse Resort & Spa
100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd
PO Box 404
Acme, MI 49610-0404
Discounted rate will not be available forever!